An Old New Project

Brothers and Sisters in our Lord Jesus AND my dear Friends who may not believe in Him:

On and off for the past three years, I have been researching and sequencing the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus of Nazareth, the Christ. It has been my passion, and it is also the first step of many in a somewhat long journey I have set out on. During the next several weeks, I intend to publish this first step as a synthetic, chronological harmony of the four Gospels. In the upcoming months and years, God-willing, it will become much more than that.

Stay tuned as I reveal more and more about this step in particular, and also give some sneak peaks of what to expect in the future. Would you walk with me on this journey? Check out what’s new by liking and following us on Facebook and Instagram @TheGieschenFoundation and Twitter @TheGieschen

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